Marvel has announced a new limited series called Avengers X-Sanction. It's written by Jeph Loeb, who's writing I've never found particularly good, and drawn by Ed McGuiness, whose art I love.
Let me tell you this book fills me with utter dread. It's not that I think it will be bad (though I do think it will be mediocre at best) its that anything that pulls the X-Men closer into the rest of the Marvel Universe is BAD for the X-Men.
I like the Marvel Universe, but House of M was the worst thing to ever happen to the Xbooks. Civil War literally didn't work if the X-Men were involved in it, Secret Invasion, Siege, and Fear Itself have just been plain bad. The X-Men getting caught up in the string of bad event books is really only gonna hurt them. Look at how screwed up Captain America has gotten just from Fear Itself.
The actual concept of Sanction X is one that is intriguing. Cable, somehow alive again, fighting the Avengers for some reason that relates to Hope. Why would the Avengers be a danger to Hope, what is going on here, its very strange, and it continues to play on the ambiguous nature of what Hope is. This is neat stuff, and capitalizing on Cable doing secret dirty work for Hope, unbeknownst even to her is a good concept.
That said, I'm incredibly afraid the nuances of Cable as a character will be lost under Loeb's bludgeoning pen. The BFG wielding Cable portrayed in the teaser art does little to assuage those fears.
As with most things X, I'm cautiously optimistic, Alonso and Loeb have given me several years of consistently good XBooks. Even Loeb can write okay things sometimes, so I'm going to continue to hope for good things, and continue to hope as well, that once tied more into the wretched Avengers franchise, the X-Men cant continue to deliver the high quality, high drama SF styled goodness that I love.
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